Vetenskap som tema
Linsen, J., & Törnroos-Remes, A. (2020). Människans förhållande till naturen och behovet av en naturvetenskaplig ansats. Ikaros – tidskrift om människan och vetenskapen, (2), 11-15.
Pihlajamäki, M., Sarkki, S., & Haapasaari, P. (2018). Food security and safety in fisheries governance – A case study on Baltic herring. Marine Policy, 97, 211–219.
Jetoo, S., Tynkkynen, N., Joas, M., Hellström, M., Sjöqvist, C., & Törnroos, A. (2022). Climate change and the governance of the Baltic Sea environment. Journal of Baltic Studies, 53(1), 65–84.
Jönsson, A. M. & Karlsson, M. (2016). Cooperation, media and framing processes: Insights from a Baltic Sea case study. Nordicom Review, 37(1), 41–55.
Kolandai-Matchett, K., Armoudian, M., Thrush, S., Hillman, J., Schwendenmann, L., Jakobsson, J., Haggitt, T., O’Hara Blain, C., & Lear, G. (2021). Marine ecosystem science and the media: Exploring ways to improve news coverage through journalist–scientist working relations. Aquatic Conservation, 31(11), 3034–3055.
Rosen, C., Guenther, L., & Froehlich, K. (2016). The question of newsworthiness: A cross-comparison among science journalists’ selection criteria in Argentina, France, and Germany. Science Communication, 38(3), 328–355.
Smith, H., Menezes, S., & Gilbert, C. (2018). Science training and environmental journalism today: Effects of science journalism training for midcareer professionals. Applied Environmental Education & Communication, 17(2), 161–173.